The Sixth Concert

The Sixth Concert

Wednesday September 27 2006 – Kelowna Community Theatre

After an enjoyable stay in Kamloops, the band headed back down the picturesque Hwy 97 to Kelowna, passing through Vernon on the way. You may wonder why the band would go from Vernon to Kamloops and back to Kelowna, but that’s how touring goes sometimes. It all depends on the availability of concert theatres, so there is often a lot of back and forth involved in travel. This was our first appearance in Kelowna, but it certainly wouldn’t be our last. The band struck up a close friendship with the General Manager of the Kelowna Community Theatre, Randy Zahara, and along with the Port Theatre in Nanaimo, Kelowna became a favourite destination for the band. All In All It’s Just would make three appearances here in its’ relatively short history.


As mentioned in previous posts, the personnel at the theatre and the audience who took the gamble to purchase tickets for the performance didn’t know what to expect. All In All It’s Just was a new band on its’ first tour, a complete unknown. After the concert was completed, this is what Manager Randy Zahara wrote on the Theatre website:

I am not in the habit of personally reviewing events at our theatre. However, after witnessing last nights performance I feel compelled to share the experience. There is no question that the “All in All” show was by far the most pleasant surprise that I have had the good fortune to attend in our theatre and I was not alone in being completely overwhelmed by the absolute magic that took place on stage.

Shortly after the concert started I witnessed several people rushing out of the auditorium. At first, I thought they were crazy, as it was obvious from the opening note that we were in for a very special performance. Then I realized they were going into the lobby to telephone their friends to get down to the theatre so they wouldn’t miss this incredible event.

The vocals, musicianship, harmonies, lighting and sound were all superb. The song selection was a perfect mix of Pink Floyd classics and lesser known pieces that didn’t just regurgitate a greatest hits list, but actually helped to educate an already intelligent audience on the depth of talent and creativity that Pink Floyd has shared with the world. As a life long Pink Floyd fan, I found myself coming out of the concert and wanting to find the Cd’s that contained the tracks I didn’t recognize. “All in All” this was a fantastic show, and, even though I know it must be called a “Tribute” for legal reasons, the term “Tribute” does not do justice for the performance that took place in our theatre.

Randy Zahara,

Kelowna Community Theatre Manager

The band was very appreciative of Mr. Zahara’s words and the positive reaction from the audience. There would be a celebration later that night at the hotel. Here are a few photos from that evenings performance.


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Ably backed up by the instrumental musicians, with special emphasis on Rick Bossom on keyboards and Dan Hawes on steel guitar, the ladies put on an outstanding performance that cements the idea with the audience that this is a bone-fide Pink Floyd tribute band. Even though the audio in this video was recorded off the soundboard in Abbotsford, the next stop on this tour, the photographs are all from this Kelowna concert. The soaring voices you hear are Kelly Gough, Rhonda Krabbe and Michelle Keir. In later concerts Kelly Gough is joined by the fabulous Amber McAlonan. The audience reaction after this song at every performance is a standing ovation. Well deserved. The only problem ever encountered was trying to get Michelle to stop saying ‘No” during her rendition. It was all in great fun. The ladies were incredible.




Thanks for coming out! If you landed on this page first and want to start from the beginning, go to The First Concert and view them one-by-one. May the Floyd be with you!

All In All Its Just